Javascript interview logical questions -Very Easy

Javascript interview logical questions -Very Easy

In recent years, the javascript is more advanced and there are lots of opportunities for javascript developers in the market, but cracking the Javascript interview is sometimes a bit tricky. So you need to prepare yourself from the basic building blocks to advanced javascript features. I have prepared a list of some javascript logical questions which you might get asked in your javascript interview. Try to solve these questions by yourself in a minimum line of code, I have also added the answers for each question on my Github repository(You will find an answer link after each question).

Photo by matthew Feeney on Unsplash

1. Return the Sum of Two Numbers

Create a function that takes two numbers as arguments and return their sum.


addition(3, 2) ➞ 5
addition(-3, -6) ➞ -9
addition(7, 3) ➞ 10

You can find the answer to this question here.

2. Convert Minutes into Seconds

Write a function that takes an integer minutes and converts it to seconds.


convert(10) ➞ 600
convert(3) ➞ 180
convert(2) ➞ 120

You can find the answer to this question here.

3. Less Than 100?

Given two numbers, return true if the sum of both numbers is less than 100. Otherwise, return false.


lessThan100(25, 25) ➞ true  
// 25+ 25= 50
lessThan100(90, 15) ➞ false  
// 90+ 15= 105
lessThan100(30, 27) ➞ true

You can find the answer to this question here.

4. Are the Numbers Equal?

Create a function that returns true when num1 is equal to num2; otherwise, return false.


isSameNum(4, 2) ➞ false
isSameNum(7, 7) ➞  true
isSameNum(4, "4") ➞ false

You can find the answer to this question here.

5. Is the String Empty?

Create a function that returns true if a string is empty and false otherwise.


isEmpty("") ➞ true
isEmpty("z") ➞ false
isEmpty(" ") ➞ false

You can find the answer to this question here.

6. Return a String as an Integer

Create a function that takes a string and returns it as an integer.


stringInt("7") ➞ 7
stringInt("10") ➞ 10
stringInt("987") ➞ 987

You can find the answer to this question here.

7. Solve the Equation

Create a function that takes an equation (e.g. "1+1"), and returns the answer.


equation("3+1") ➞ 4
equation("4*4-1") ➞ 15
equation("1+2+3") ➞ 6

You can find the answer to this question here.

8. Reverse an Array

Write a function to reverse an array.


reverse([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) ➞ [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
reverse([9, 2, 1, 5]) ➞ [5, 1, 2, 9]
reverse([]) ➞ []

You can find the answer to this question here.

9. Return the Last Element in an Array

Create a function that accepts an array and returns the last item in the array.


getLastItem([1, 2, 3, 4]) ➞ 4
getLastItem(["horse", "elephant", "dog"]) ➞ "dog"
getLastItem([true, false ]) ➞ false

You can find the answer to this question here.

10. Find the Index

Create a function that takes an array and a string as arguments and return the index of the string.


findIndex(["hi", "edabit", "fgh", "abc"], "fgh") ➞ 2
findIndex(["Red", "blue", "Blue", "Green"], "blue") ➞ 1
findIndex(["a", "g", "y", "d"], "d") ➞ 3
findIndex(["Pineapple", "Orange", "Grape", "Apple"], "Pineapple") ➞ 0

You can find the answer to this question here.

11. Check if an Array Contains a Given Number

Write a function to check if an array contains a particular number.


check([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 4) ➞ true
check([1, 1, 2, 1, 1], 3) ➞ false
check([5, 5, 5, 6], 5) ➞ true
check([], 5) ➞ false

You can find the answer to this question here.

12. Concatenating First and Last Character of a String

Creates a function that takes a string and returns the concatenated first and last character.


firstLast("ganesh") ➞ "gh"
firstLast("kali") ➞ "ki"
firstLast("shiva") ➞ "sa"
firstLast("vishnu") ➞ "vu"
firstLast("durga") ➞ "da"

You can find the answer to this question here.

13. Return the Total Number of Parameters

Create a function that returns the total number of parameters passed in.


numberArgs("a", "b", "c") ➞ 3
numberArgs(10, 20, 30, 40, 50) ➞ 5
numberArgs(x, y) ➞ 2
numberArgs() ➞ 0

You can find the answer to this question here.

14. Multiply Every Array Item by Two

Create a function that takes an array with numbers and return an array with the elements multiplied by two.


getMultipliedArr([2, 5, 3, 4]) ➞ [4, 10, 6, 8]
getMultipliedArr([1, 86, -5, 5]) ➞ [2, 172, -10, 10]
getMultipliedArr([5, 382, 0]) ➞ [10, 764, 0]

You can find the answer to this question here.

15. Spaces Between Each Character

Create a function that takes a string and returns a string with spaces in between all of the characters.


spaceMeOut("space") ➞ "s p a c e"
spaceMeOut("far out") ➞ "f a r  o u t"
spaceMeOut("elongated musk") ➞ "e l o n g a t e d   m u s k"

You can find the answer to this question here.

16. Get the Sum of All Array Elements

Create a function that takes an array and returns the sum of all numbers in the array.


getSumOfItems([2, 5, 3]) ➞ 10
getSumOfItems([45, 3, 10]) ➞ 58
getSumOfItems([-2, 84, 20]) ➞ 102

You can find the answer to this question here.

17. Modifying the Last Character

Create a function which makes the last character of a string repeat n number of times.


modifyLast("Hello", 3) ➞ "Hellooo"
modifyLast("hey", 6) ➞ "heyyyyyy"
modifyLast("excuse me what?", 5) ➞ "excuse me what?????"

You can find the answer to this question here.

18. Return the First and Last Elements in an Array

Create a function that takes an array of numbers and return the first and last elements as a new array.


firstLast([5, 10, 15, 20, 25]) ➞ [5, 25]
firstLast(["edabit", 13, null, false, true]) ➞ ["edabit", true]
firstLast([undefined, 4, "6", "hello", null]) ➞ [undefined, null]

You can find the answer to this question here.

19. Check String for Spaces

Create a function that returns true if a string contains any spaces.


hasSpaces("hello") ➞ false
hasSpaces("hello world") ➞ true
hasSpaces(" ") ➞ true
hasSpaces("") ➞ false
hasSpaces(",./!@#") ➞ false

You can find the answer to this question here.

20. Case Insensitive Comparison

Write a function that validates whether two strings are identical. Make it case insensitive.


match("hello", "hELLo") ➞ true
match("motive", "emotive") ➞ false
match("venom", "VENOM") ➞ true
match("mask", "mAskinG") ➞ false

You can find the answer to this question here.

21. Multiply Every Array Item by Two

Create a function that takes a string and returns it as an integer.


stringInt("6") ➞ 6
stringInt("1000") ➞ 1000
stringInt("12") ➞ 12

You can find the answer to this question here.

22. Filter Strings from Array

Create a function that takes an array of strings and numbers, and filters out the array so that it returns an array of integers only.


filterArray([1, 2, 3, "a", "b", 4]) ➞ [1, 2, 3, 4]
filterArray(["A", 0, "Edabit", 1729, "Python", "1729"]) ➞ [0, 1729]
filterArray(["Nothing", "here"]) ➞ []

You can find the answer to this question here.

23. Sum of the Odd Numbers

Create a function which returns the total of all odd numbers up to and including n. n will be given as an odd number.


addOddToN(5) ➞ 9  
// 1 + 3 + 5 = 9
addOddToN(13) ➞ 49
addOddToN(47) ➞ 576

You can find the answer to this question here.

24. Find the Total Number of Digits the Given Number Has

Create a function that takes a number as an argument and returns the amount of digits it has.


findDigitAmount(123) ➞ 3
findDigitAmount(56) ➞ 2
findDigitAmount(7154) ➞ 4
findDigitAmount(61217311514) ➞ 11
findDigitAmount(0) ➞ 1

You can find the answer to this question here.

25. Convert Number to Corresponding Month Name

Create a function that takes a number (from 1 to 12) and returns its corresponding month name as a string. For example, if you’re given 3 as input, your function should return "March", because March is the 3rd month.


monthName(3) ➞ "March"
monthName(12) ➞ "December"
monthName(6) ➞ "June"

You can find the answer to this question here.

I have faced these questions while interviewing in many companies, Some of the questions are referenced from internet sites like,,,

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